Xtonebox Carbon Booster
3500,00 Kč
Booster, který neovlivní přirozený zvuk vašeho nástroje.
1 skladem
Související produkty
Dr. Scientist BoostBot
The sweetest, simplest and coolest boost pedal we have seen anywhere. The BoostBot is an always on boost pedal within built in buffer and LED level meter featuring the clean and clear sounding boost circuit from our Reverberator pedal. Dial in on zero and it functions just as a buffer, but the knob allows up to 20db of clean Boost. The real time signal level is displayed on a vintage bar graph LED.
3400,00 Kč -
Daredevil Pedals Supernova
Super smooth fuzz, so surprisingly enjoyable and gorgeous – wait, can you say that about a fuzz? The Supernova silicon fuzz with depth control that shifts from a cutting, bright tone ala Vox TB or Fuzzrite over towards a big saturated fat fuzz with lots of low end and syrupy goodness. With the fuzz control up all the way, you will get a choked out gain with a lot of edge to it, tons of rasp and harmonic texture. Back it off and it smoothes out and starts to sustain a little more giving even more options to dialing this supercharger in. Another cool trick is hitting the front end of this with an overdrive created some cool octave type overtones to the fuzz… almost a little synth-y. A fuzz for solos that cut through with texture, fat rhythm tones, Fuzzed out stoner voyages, and straight up vintage warmth and sustain… this could be the only fuzz you need on your board.
5000,00 Kč -
Death By Audio Echo Dream 2
Představte si, že jste na tripu, ale všude kolem se přitom rozprostírá klidná a rozkvetlá jarní louka – nekecáme, Death by Audio (DBA) se tenhle zážitek podařilo narvat do jednoho pedálu. Tenhle pedál je šílená kombinace delaye, fuzzu a modulace. Mohlo by se zdát, že je to šílená kombinace a měli byste pravdu. Ale DBA se podařilo dostat vše do jedné krabičky s překvapivě jednoduchým ovládáním. A to vše nerozbitném balení, jak jsem u Death by Audio zvyklí.
8400,00 Kč -
Death By Audio Total Sonic Annihilation 2
Death by Audio started in 2002 with the most insane pedal of all time: the Total Sonic Annihilation. Here was a pedal that literally transformed all of your pedals into different effects by force feeding them back into themselves. Now the original circuit has been re-imagined as the Total Sonic Annihilation 2. Totally new functionality creates wildly more warped alien space sounds than the original, with even more control. The TSA2, like its predecessor, works on a simple premise: what if effect pedals were patched back into themselves? What does it sound like for a filter to be multiplied by infinity? Or if your modulator was modulating its own modulations? The TSA2 creates a controllable feedback loop – your pedals will cycle back on themselves, feeding the output back into the input as much or as little as you want. Experience true sonic exploration: every unique pedal array will produce a vast world of textures and possibilities. The TSA2 has additional features that allow equal part control and mad-scientist experimentation. Featuring an active boost, phase reversal, and limiter, any pedal – no matter how quiet, loud, or phase shifted – can find its place in the loop of the TSA2. Or, you can use those controls to warp and blast your sound to any extreme. The TSA2 also works on its own as a standalone oscillating fuzz blaster for your guitar/bass/synth with nothing in the loop and the active boost on. ORRR….if you want, it can be used as its own independent oscillating noise device….on…its…own! This monster brings you to the next level of sonic possibilities!
8400,00 Kč
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